Camp Sheridan sign

Located in the Hay Springs City Park, this sign provides some information about Camp Sheridan and Spotted Tail Agency. Close by is the beginning of Nebraska’s “Crazy Horse memorial Highway”. In November, 2010 Nebraska Governor Dave Heineman approved designating US-20 from Hay Springs to Fort Robinson in honor of Crazy Horse.
About ten miles north are the sites of Spotted Tail Agency and Camp Sheridan. Named for Brule Sioux Chief Spotted Tail, the agency was built in 1874 to supply treaty payments, including food, clothing, weapons, and utensils, under the terms of the 1868 Fort Laramie Treaty. The army established Camp Sheridan nearby to protect the agency. A similar arrangement prevailed for the Oglala Sioux at Red Cloud Agency and Camp Robinson forty miles west.
Spotted Tail Agency was generally quiet and peaceful throughout the Indian War of 1876-77. Crazy Horse surrendered there on September 4, 1877, after fleeing Red Cloud Agency. He was stabbed to death the next morning while being imprisoned at Camp Robinson, but his parents returned his body to Camp Sheridan for burial.
On October 29, 1877 Spotted Tail’s Brules were moved to present South Dakota. In 1878 they occupied Rosebud Agency, where they live today. Camp Sheridan, with a peak garrison of seven companies of soldiers, was abandoned on May 1, 1881.

— Nebraska State Historical Society

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